Sankalpa Deeksha Videos & Photos (09-09-2012 at Hyderabad) - by Swami Paripoornananda and Dr.Ghazal Srinavas
As many of you remember that after I retuned from India in the first week of April, my first request to Ghazal Srinivas was to take up the Vakulamata Temple. We are very fortunate that Swami Paripoornananda is invelved heavily with Dr. Ghazal Srinivas.
All the indications are that it will be approved very soon for restoration and reconstruction of Vakulamata Temple.
Let us seeking the Blessings of Lord Venkateswara for speedy construction of Vakulamata Temple. Please watch the videos. You will also see our Savetemples banner supporting the Sankalpa Deeksh evevent..
Sankalpa Deeksha Part 1
Sankalpa Deeksha Part 2
Sankalpa Deeksha Part 3
Sankalpa Deeksha Part 4
Sankalpa Deeksha Part 5
Sankalpa Deeksha Part 6
Sankalpa Deeksha Part 7
Sankalpa Deeksha Part 8
Sankalpa Dheeksha Part 9
Sankalpa Dheeksha Part 10
Sankalpa Deeksha Part 11